What We Do
Energy is the lifeblood of modern economies. Everything we do requires energy. By 2050 around 10 billion people will be living on this planet. Energy requirements will increase manifold. Expanding reliable and affordable supplies of energy will support industry, modern agriculture, increased trade, improved transportation, expanded communications, health, cutting-edge medical equipment and procedures and much more. These are building blocks of economic growth that create jobs that help people escape poverty and create better lives for their children. For these reasons and more, energy issues are vitally important and demand our understanding.
The importance and contribution of natural resources to the economy, security, environment and quality of life is well known. Synergies are being realized between conventional fossil fuel and non-fossil fuels for green solutions. Moreover our natural environment will immensely benefit from a clean energy mix. The relationships, interconnection and opportunities of issues such as energy – environment, water, food and health need to be considered in an integrated and holistic way i.e. to do more with less, to create value to prosper and to enhance the human condition. Energy And Environment Foundation (WE2 Foundation) has been constituted to serve as a catalyst to address global energy and environment issues for a healthier, happier, prosperous and greener planet.
The Energy And Environment Foundation (E2 Foundation) is a not-for-profit, non-political, neutral and independent, non-governmental organization (NGO), focused towards helping billions of poor people world over who presently have little or no access to electricity and other basic energy sources. It is a future-oriented, dynamic, talent-and-technology savvy as well as environment friendly foundation. It encompasses knowledge, ideas, innovations, technologies and insight for the advantage of the people of the world, thus leading towards a greener tomorrow. We consider our partners, contributors, donors and volunteers to be critical for the success of realizing our global vision and initiatives. Through individual, national, international organizations and institutional contributions and donations WE2 Foundation will be able to support a wide variety of projects on Energy and Environment including clean coal, unconventional hydrocarbons and renewable energy, nuclear energy, health care, education-training to facilitate innovative green technologies through multidisciplinary research. E2 Foundation will work towards bringing governmental, industry, academic and research institutions from across the world on a single platform to address the issues related to energy and environment.
Guideline Principles |
We are committed to the total quality to deliver significant technology innovation... |
Our focus is on the entire industry business needs to facilitate timely and cost effective... |
We consider all our stakeholders as part of our team and shall give them our utmost... |
We create the environment for creative collaboration with our stake holders, partners... |